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McAuliffe Battle of the Books


Battle of the Books is a motivational reading program that consists of reading books, practicing as a team, and having a friendly “battle” of teams in the spring. This year’s Battle of the Books will be open to 3rd through 5th grades!

To become a Battle of the Books participant, a student must have parent permission, and make a commitment to read at least half of the books (usually 4-5 books per person) for the grade level by the middle of March. Goals of the program are to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, to increase reading comprehension, and promote academic excellence.

Participant Letter & Registration Form

Battle of the Books Resources

Important Dates

  • Beginning of December - Students begin reading Battle of the Books (BOB) titles.
  • Beginning of January - Coaches contact team members to begin BOB practices.
  • Wednesday, March 27 from 3:30-5:00 PM - McAuliffe battles (meet with your team in the K-5 STEM Lab for instructions and room assignments). The top two teams from each grade level will advance to the District battle.
  • Tuesday, April 2 - District battle (3rd/4th Grade) at Fred Tjardes School of Innovation - 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday, April 3 - District battle (5th Grade) at Fred Tjardes School of Innovation - 4:00 PM