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Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Welcome Back 2024

We in Greeley-Evans School District 6 are excited and honored to welcome you and your students to the 2024-2025 school year!

Dear District 6 Families:

We in Greeley-Evans School District 6 are excited and honored to welcome you and your students to the 2024-2025 school year!

As I start my tenth year as the superintendent of District 6, I am reminded how every August feels a little like a new beginning. Each new school year, we have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of our students in many different ways. Every year brings some changes, some challenges and so much potential for creating positive relationships and learning environments for our students.

Our staff in District 6 is dedicated to serving you and your students. We want your students in school! One of our focus areas this year will be on improving student attendance.

Since the pandemic, many school districts have experienced a decline in student attendance. And we know that students can’t learn and grow academically if they are not in school. So this year we are focusing on School Matters, a campaign to improve attendance and engagement. We will be working hard to ensure our students feel welcome at our schools. We want every student to have a trusted adult who knows and understands them. We want students and families to be partners in learning. And we need your help. Please work to ensure your students are in school every day. And if they need to be absent, please help limit the time they are gone and work with their teachers to ensure they don’t miss important learning opportunities.

Every single day is important to your child’s academic success. We care for your children, and we miss them when they are gone. Help us help your students by ensuring they attend school. If there is more we can do to help, please reach out to your school’s office or administrative team.

In addition, we want all our families to feel welcome and cared for in District 6. Please take every opportunity you can to attend school events, visit with your child’s teachers and other staff members, and even volunteer in our schools. We are also launching a new communication tool this September to help you keep in touch with your school and your teachers. More information about this app and how to access it will be sent out soon!

We will also implement new practices related to cell phones and other personal technology devices at our high schools. Recent research shows the significant distraction cell phones cause in schools, which affects both student academic performance and emotional well-being. Cell phones are a significant distraction from learning and engagement in classroom instruction, leading to poor grades and learning, and higher anxiety as students struggle to focus on school with constant interruptions. In grades K-8, cell phones are not allowed to be out during the school day, and our elementary and middle school students have done a great job following this expectation. We will continue this practice. For the 2024-25 school year, high schools will not allow cell phones and other personal technology devices to be out during class time. Families of our high school students will receive additional information about this. We appreciate your support in addressing this growing national concern.

As always, we are incredibly grateful to all our families for trusting us with your amazing children. We are honored to serve you and excited to provide your students with knowledge and opportunities that will help them reach their goals and dreams.

Communication is essential in your child’s success. Please let us know how we can better meet your student’s needs and make their educational experience as positive as possible.

Have a great school year and welcome back!


Dr. Deirdre Pilch, SuperintendentGreeley-Evans School District 6